Costa POS Display

Costa Camo Sunglasses POS Display

Costa POS Display Header

Costa Camo Sunglasses POS Display

How can a pair of sunglasses blend in and stand out? That was the challenge from the lifestyle sunglasses brand Costa. While at TRU, my creative team was tasked with creating a POS display to help push a deal on camo sunglasses. (By the way - POS stands for point-of-sales, not, you know...)

We took what could have been a severely mundane POS display (make an image, slap it on a standee card) and turned it on it's head. By getting the actual sunglasses right there on the card rather than just a picture or a lifestyle shot, we drew attention to the sunglasses and made what was essentially a clearance sale extremely successful.

I worked on this project while at TRU Events, and this project wouldn't have been possible without some awesome creative direction and support from the other members of the TRU team.

POS Display

We decided that using the camo textures themselves would be the best way to go with these cards. For people who know camo, the patterns are very important - and these were good ones. We also wanted to showcase the sunglasses in the context of the pattern. We started with an image of the sunglasses, but quickly came to the idea of getting the actually glasses affixed to the card somehow. It played well with the camouflage concept, and gave it real dimensional appeal.

It was also important to showcase both available patterns, since each is relevant to a different groups. We didn't want someone seeing only one pattern and thinking it's "not for them." Rather than try to shoehorn both onto the same card in some way, we pushed to have two separate cards. This kept the whole key visual appeal of the each pattern while letting them shine (and doubled the advertising footprint!).

Costa POS Display Mockups
Costa POS Display Proof of Concepts

Funky Dielines

My favorite part about this whole project was getting the sunglasses onto the card. The client gave us funny looks when we pitched the idea to them, but they were sold on the idea after seeing the prototype pictures. Seeing the camo glasses against the full camo background really hammers home the concept and  showcases the product in a way that a simple image would have fallen flat (literally).

Creating a simple set of dielines to accommodate a variety of sunglasses was a challenge, but I enjoyed it. While the dies only needed to hold a small subset of frames for this POS display, but the client was interested in a version for all of their pairs. Later, after a lot of prototyping, trimming, and dulled xacto blades, I devised a die to fit almost every pair of Costa sunglasses.