Greg Rava

graphic design

Scoreboard Images

Scoreboard Animations

These motion graphics were developed for the scoreboards in Quinnipiac University's TD Bank Sports Center, intended to showcase the hi-res graphic capabilities of the new system. These would be use to rally the audience, as well as entertain them between plays and during halftime.

And let me tell you, there's nothing like seeing your animation up on the big screen!

Go Bobcats!

This was going to start out as a very simple flash animation. Two bobcats sit in a clearing, napping, until they're interrupted by a hockey-stick carrying bobcat. Of course, when I started sketching, it turned into a frame-by-frame hand drawn animation I later scanned in and vectorized.

I did a lot of visual research for this animation, scouring pictures of bobcats online to try to get the face the perfect mix of cute and identifiable. Bobcats have these iconic tufts on their cheeks and ears, and I wanted to make sure they were there.

I also found the Youtube channel “Simon’s Cat” to be a huge help when it came to creating the actual movement of the bobcats. I used those videos as a reference for all of my bobcat's motion..

Go Bobcats Storyboard Bobcats Sketch

Shuttle Bus

The Quinnipiac shuttle bus (2010 Navistar IC RE) is iconic to Quinnipiac students. It’s a common experience, and something that is immediately identifiable. I wanted to capture that in this animation.

The story board started as a full-screen clip of students that looked like they were going out into New Haven to party instead going to a Hockey game. After first critique, I decided it would be more effective as a loop of the shuttle bus driving for the "ad ring" below the scoreboard.

Shuttle Storybord

Wake the Giant

I had to find the right angle picture of the Sleeping Giant State Park for the shot, one that was also high enough resolution to be used on the large screen. Ultimately, I had to change the angle of the shot. With the compromised angle, the graphic changed from the Sleeping Giant sitting up to it shaking in place, and then opening it’s eyes.

Wake the Giant Storyboard Wake The Giant Sketch